@SamouraiWallet is a privacy activist & the lead Dev, along with TDevD, working tirelessly on SamouraiWallet.com – a Bitcoin wallet for the streets.
SamouraiWallet is forged to keep your transactions private, identity masked and funds secured. It also offers Whirlpool, a Chaumian CoinJoin mixing service, and is available as an Android mobile app.
The wallet’s primary aim is to protect the privacy and freedom of users. It brings privacy to the base chain by breaking common ownership heuristics to make the lives of ChainAnalysis & surveillance companies, harder . . . if not impossible.
@SW’s been working on increasing Bitcoin’s privacy since 2012 when his obsession began.
"We want to give people the tools to transact privately."
"In 2012, I needed to move money from one country to another & Bitcoin was the best option. That’s what got me learning more."
Once he read the Bitcoin White Paper and researched it, the more incredulous he became that it was even possible. It went from the utility aspect to “wow if this is truly possible the implications could be drastic.”
"Its a mind virus, something I wanted to understand immediately after I first used it. What made it tick & what prevents it from becoming just another tool to oppress us?"
It gripped him and he dropped everything else to focus on it, using his previous tech skill-set to do whatever he could to advance what he wanted to see it become. That focus has always been ‘privacy’. After initially thinking it highly unlikely to work, he and his growing team dedicate their lives to keeping the dream of freedom money alive.
"The ability to transact privately is one of the fundamental freedoms, It is freedom of speech. It has to be maintained. If you want it you can obtain it"
We have privacy in many aspects of our lives by default. We put our letters into envelopes, we draw our curtains in the evenings, we put up fences and hedges to protect our private spaces. privacy is a basic human desire and what can be more intimate than the transactions we make?
We at 21ism, fiercely support Free Speech, Code & Money as a Human Right. For that reason we’ve chosen @SamouraiWallet as our Featured Dev. Of all the CoinJoin implementations currently available, we believe Samourai is the easiest & most effective option for most users.
Samourai Wallet is the most feature rich and advanced Bitcoin wallet available on Android today. It’s created from the ground up by privacy activists to be portable, secure, and offer the best privacy possible for users.
- Full Segwit Support & control of private keys
- dynamic miner fees estimation and Replace by Fee
- STONEWALL and other privacy transactions
- Ricochet multihop payments
- transaction routing via your own trusted node
- No address reuse
- Stealth mode hides the wallet on the device
- Tor & VPN access
One of the most eagerly anticipated developments on the horizon for Samourai is Soraban. It allows significantly improved communication and payments between Samourai users. It’s currently in testing and looks set for launch Q1 2021, but maybe even late December.
The intention of all these tools is to obfuscate transactions to a point at which logical interpretations and analysis can no longer be confidently made. During ChainAnalysis, marking transactions through the Samourai cluster as anything more than ‘unknown’ only serves to pollute the accuracy and score of their entire system.
To use Samourai Wallet with optimal privacy, so transactions don’t pass through Samourai’s servers, users are actively encouraged to connect their wallet to their own Bitcoin full-node (Dojo), via a DIY self-hosted RoninDojo (@ronindojoui / ronindojo.io) or a pre-installed NODL Dojo (nodl.it).
"We’re privacy activists who dedicate our lives to creating the software Silicon Valley will never build, regulators will never allow & VCs will never invest in. We build the software Bitcoin deserves – proudly Open Source."