
  • Gege
Real Name

About The Artist

Gege La Saumure is a Parisien Pleb, currently on his second Twitter account, who spits the dankest memes. He was raised a critical thinker, awakened by 9/11, Libya & Bitcoin. He mines fiat through video-editing for French HipHop artists. The encroaching dystopia he’s living through in France right now pushes him to express his frustration through memes. He’s doing this with acerbic wit and sublime clarity and I feel he’s knocking toxic memecraft out of the park. I loved my conversation with him.


It was only January 2021 that Gege started chatting with other Pleb Memers on Bitcoin Twitter and releasing his own content. Prior to this he’d done some photo editing for a clothing brand startup so he had the visual skills. He doesn’t see it as work, more a way to release the pressure if the news gets him annoyed or upset. His memes are straight up, sometimes violent and invariably shocking.

"Memes help people realise that Bitcoin is the apex of money. It’s about a shift in perspective. The price of a kilo of beef is a pretty accurate lens to see inflation through."


On Social Media, when he sees a picture, it naturally becomes a meme in his mind. He often feels his memes that perform best are the ones he’s made quickly and spontaneously, off the cuff. The image comes first, he adds text and boom. It’s the same when he tweets, think too much & it gets messy & inefficient.

Gege’s previous account got nuked after he impersonated an Israeli Investment Fund and announced they’d bought $2.3B worth of Bitcoin. The tweet went viral with over a million views in <24hrs. Mainstream media like Yahoo Finance and others picked it up. He posted it in Hebrew through his main account with switched profile pictures and bio. He then retweeted it through an alt account that looked like Walter Bloomberg. So it had two layers of fake news. Max Keiser and plenty of other big accounts retweeted it. Michael Saylor and Adam Back were following him at the time which added to it’s authenticity.

"My lesson from the Twitter ban was that if I could make waves in MSM with fake news – how easy must it be for people with real power & money?"


Case in point being the videos we saw of people falling on the ground in China at the beginning of the pandemic. These ‘pandemic showrunners’ are literally writing the script on this, money, climate change, energy and so many of today’s issues.

"The recent Gala Ball was peak hypocrisy. It’s like the Hunger Games – a sign of the Fall of Rome."



Gege’s father was a journalist with a local newspaper. He’d often speak his mind around the house on politics. Growing up, watching the news, he’d explain how they were saying this, because of that. So from a young age, Gege was encouraged to think critically and look beneath the superficiality of mass media.

"I arrived in Bitcoin through politics. My father made me politically aware but now he thinks I’m a crazy extremist."


This continued into his teens to his first Red Pill moment was 9/11, Building 7 and the link between CIA and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. It was a wake up call to some of the lies peddled by MSM. His second wake up call was the invasion of Libya and Gaddafi in 2011. He knew pretty early on that we weren’t going there for democracy. In 2010 Gaddafi said, at the United Nations of Africa, his intention to release a Gold backed currency and sell Libyan oil for it. Emails from Hillary Clinton, released by Wikileaks, support this.

Gege read books by Alain Soral, the Alex Jones of France who been inpsired by Ron Paul to explain the mechanics and injustice of the Federal Reserve money printer. Gege learned about the Cantillon Effect being at the root of economic inequality in the fiat world. After that he went down many rabbit holes, from prepper to archeology, health & HIV. He then lived life as a young man, freely, working in the US & England for some time before finding himself back Paris in 2017. It was here he read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki and realised the value of hard assets – how rich people make money work for them and poor people work for money. It was an inflection point that coincided with his discovery of Bitcoin.

"After reading the first chapter of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ I bought Bitcoin."


He put pretty much all his money in and prices pumped. He confesses he got greedy, fell hard into shitcoining and got rekt hard when the Bear Market hit. It was then he started listening to Andreas Antonopoulos, went down the Maximalist Rabbit Hole and consumed content voraciously. By April 2018 it all started making sense and he felt he’d found what he was looking for 10 years to explain what happened with Gadaffi in Libya.


Gege lives in Paris most of the time and travels a lot with work. He doesn’t want the vaccine or a life ruled by a Health Pass QR code. He can’t take long distance trains anymore without a Vax Pass so he’s been ride-sharing with people via BlaBlaBCar. He travels on the tube without a mask and people often confront him about it. If he receives a fine, he’s not paying it. He’d rather leave the country than live like during WW2 in German occupied France.

"I think we’re occupied – French Gulag man! We’re at the same stage as Canada. Australia’s worse, but France isn’t far behind. "


Gege’s ready to leave his country and sadly sees fighting for it as futile. So few seem ready to fight. He’s been shocked to see people bring their masked 8 year old children to school. People just don’t seem prepared to die on this hill.

France is a country with such a lot of backbone, a spirit of revolution and dissent but like almost everywhere it seems to be slipping into totalitarianism right now. Ten years ago the narrative was fighting Terrorism, 20 years ago it was fighting Communism and now it’s Bioterrorism – War on COVID (or Seasonal Respiratory Viruses). They’ll always find a narrative to scare people and it all increases their control.

"France felt like a Communist country even before COVID. On a 100K salary you’ll end up with 35K after tax."





Gege loves how Bitcoin raises consciousness through it’s parallel rabbit holes of education, food, free market economics, etc. He’s seen complete noobs and normies have their lives and mindsets completely reshaped in a matter of months.

"People need to realise it’s not the value of lumber, stocks or Real Estate that’s going up. It’s the value of their money going down. "


He’s Orange Pilled people through shouting that their grand-kids will be mad they missed the boat. Sometimes these super aggressive arguments in which you close the door on people can be the most effective.

"Bitcoin’s incentives are in the DNA of Human Beings. In every civilization at every time people have strived to park value in the hardest asset."


At different times this could have been Fine Art, diamonds, gold but now we have Bitcoin’s absolute scarcity. But like Morpheus said in The Matrix – some people don’t want to be unplugged and they’ll fight to maintain the system that’s enslaving them. Only strongest and most intelligent will realise Bitcoin and park their money in it.


Gege was a Bitcoin loner for two years before meeting other Bitcoiners in Paris. He’s spent the last four years stacking sats, mining Fiat like a zealot and not going out or taking holidays. His desire NOT to be stuck in a fiat pod til aged 70 has been fierce. Now, like many of us, he’s looking to find a place to be surrounded by other freedom oriented people interested in building.

"I’m not moving from a Gulag to another one. I don’t know how it’s gonna play it out. The only thing I do know is that I want to be surrounded by Plebs."


He’s been hanging out more Plebs in Paris and recently at the 2021 Surf & Bitcoin Conference in Biarritz. They organised barbecues every evening together and he’s 100% sure he’s finally found his tribe.

"After 30 years as a young Wolf looking for my tribe, I’m 100% sure that Bitcoiners are the people I want to build something with."



Despite bashing Chris Sky, Gege thinks he’s doing some solid work in the field, trying to wake people up and organise Civil Disobedience. It’s important to do that but ultimately without having a higher understanding of what’s happening he thinks it’s futile. “Protests don’t help end the Fed or defund Central Bankers and Cantillionaires.”

"Three years ago I was optimistic about protests and the Gillet Jaunes Movement. "


There was a famous boxer at a Gillet Jaunes Protest in Paris, who got stuck into five or six policeman with his bare knuckles. It was filmed and went viral. The next day he was arrested and a crowdfunded Euro wallet was announced to support his legal costs. It raised 200k Euros in the first day but was soon taken down and its funds confiscated. For Gege this represented another clear use case for Bitcoin – censorship resistant protest funding.

"You can’t support those fighting the status quo using the existing monetary system. The bank is the system. You can’t use the system to fight the system. "


The protest demographic he’s seen has been pretty mixed, Catholic families, Anarchists, University students and teachers, mainly people aged 30 to 60. He feels young people haven’t played much of a role. That they’re perhaps less interested in defending their liberty or the ones that are, do it online and going to protest seems like a Boomer thing.

"The average person against VaxPassports struggles to see how Bitcoin helps. To really understand how it could heal society you need >50hrs of high signal podcasts & reading."





He thinks we don’t even realise what’s could happen next year. The vaccine narrative will advance and we may have Green lockdowns soon too. It’s abusive. If we have like a decent bull market though, Bitcoiners will be wealthy and that should bring optionality. It’s the Sovereign Individual thesis and some countries may wake up, realise the game theoretical potential of a Bitcoin Standard country with no COVID hysteria. It would attract so many Bitcoiners, freedom lovers and entrepreneurs.

"I’m ready to move anywhere on Earth if a country treats us well."


Despite the current climate, Gege’s an optimist and feels we’re witnessing the final days of the Fiat World that started in 1971. It’s a shift from centralised power to decentralised power that may take 10-15 years to play out. Clearly the legacy system will fiercely defend it’s reigns of control. They’re losing the plot though and he feels people won’t be able to ignore the hyperinflation of goods and services relative to Bitcoin.

Gege wants to help build culture around the ‘Remnant’, to create video content showing Bitcoin’s unique culture. For him it’s about creating a new set of values and culture with different rules to Fiat’s broken and corrupted incentives.

"My focus is on building a parallel society with Bitcoin Maximalists & freedom lovers. We need to lead by example & thrive. This is how we win."


By @Selfbankt




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